size profile timeline facebook guide new

I was looking around at some good profile picture updates and facebook pages timeline guides as i stumbled upon this article written in:

Here it is, just don't forget to give them a shout, comment, and visit:

Images and Photos are the most interacted content not only on Facebook on every social Media platfrom. One reason to take a close look how to optimize shared photo content for good exposure.

A section about their Photo Albums

The maximum pixel Facebook will store your uploaded pictures will be  720 x 720  pixels ,every bigger size will be resized. Make sure length is smaller than 720 or FB is down scaling to 720px of the longest axis. For practical use and a standard
Photo image ratio: 4:3 ratio  would be 720 x 540 px
Film   format ratio: 16:9 ratio would be 720 x 405 px
If the picture length is smaller than 720 it will fill it with the facebook gray to match 720 px.

An article for the New Facebook Timeline Photo:

since the new Timeline get public accessible for everyone some part changed. If you pcture is not a 4:3 pixel ration it get only viewed compresd in size on the wall. Same rule for all preview thumbs of rich media like Flash or movies shared from your Webpage or App.

What is the new Timeline Cover Photo Size:

Since Facebook updated all profiles to the Timeline profile you get a beautiful option to show your visitors a huge cover photo. There are several creative ways to use that new format.
  • It could be a extension to your regular profile picture
Recomended Format Size :  851px wide x 315px high minimum of 720px
Some Marketing people use the new Cover photo to advert for there business Facebook dont notice any rules that you could not place some kind of advert as your Timeline cover photo. Its on you what impression you would like to give when some one visit your Profile the first time. Its the same like you get as first contact email an advert.
 Timeline Highlighted Photo size :       843 x 403 pixel

More about the Profile Photo size and details

Rolling Update : Facecbook will change the profile size of the Timeline Profile Avatar from 125 x125  to 160 x 160 pixel . For most user it will make no difference exept if your Timeline cover photo match with your profile picture it will be not align anymore after the change . On 26 April, Facebook will be rolling this out to all Pages.
“The profile pic will sit 23 pixels from the left and 210 pixels from the top.”

Max Profile pictures             500 x 200     (these is on change as FB plans to reduce it )

Max thumbnail size               75 x 99
Square Wall Profile Thumb 50 x 50 px        ….q,jpg  (crop )      …s.jpg
Normal Thumb                     125 x 125 px                …. n.jpg

Ever wondered about the Compression for your fb page or profile photo?

As Webmasters know most server using ImageMagick or GD Lyb for resizing Facebook photo compression app is with 50% quite very high ,tray to avoid it .
Facebook Photo Compression and quality
Compression= 50%
Resolution = 92dpi

What is the The new Facebook Lightbox?

The new FB Lightbox allow to view pictures bigger in the album, but that dont mean they are actualy bigger same like before the side ration make them filling up the frame or leaving some white frame around it.

Some tips on Picture sharing from them

Dont over share Facebook is not a photo community like Flickr or Picasa if you upload 20 photos or more no one will view them all . Better share smal sets of 3 as the new Leyout shows up to 3 -5 pictures on the wall and allow your friends to view and like them with a simple click.

Is Picture Tagging SEO hurting you?

You can Tagg pictures with friends name and Facebook Fanpages. FB will send a request to the person . If he dont allow the tagging it will not show up. Best case would be to tagg your own Fanpages or Friends that feel well by geting tagged from you . Ok you read till here ? lets pack out some more secrets most Facebook Admin dont know.

Facebook  Photo Tagging by User : probably most of you  know nearly all about it Fb minimise and notify every user who get tagged

Facebook Photo Tagging as a Page : Tagg other related pages  if not turned off, to make that interesting for photographer for example you can tag panoramic views as multi pictures 3 in one row like some profile use it. ( see Profile photo hack)

Facebook Photo Tagging as WordPress Blog if you setup your WordPress correctly every like you get on a article produce a hiden Fanpage only visible to the admin with wall discussion and photo video section like a common Fanpage . No one will see that exept of you as the creator of your Blogpost. In technical SEO terms its  a 301 redirect Fanpage.  Even if no one  can see it, you can still work with that  Fanpage like with any other Fanpage . Post stuff Invite Friends ect.
Upload a Photo and Tag a person (notification for  permission ) or a Fanpage , you photo get added to the tagged photo collection. Any Click on the shared photo will redirect the user to your blog post. No need to add any link .
Additional thoughts  there are WP Plugins that can welkome a user depends where he come from Google Bing or Facebook you could even personalise the welcome massage if he enter true one of your Posts. Gona test that in the next days and add the result her.
In SEO words a Phototag is nothing else than a visual backlink  or comment.

Are there any Facebook photo hacks at all?

Want your Photos get viral ? or your pics drive trafic back to your blog .Just try following technik seen on a turkish Page with millions of likes. When you chose a picture chose one as a teaser and the other one as a regular thumb . Place a play button on the left corner of the pic . Dont upload just share your blog post with you wall or fans . Facebook user love videos and will tray to play the image . That image link will link directly to your blog or webpage. As long the picture is somehow relevant to the post no one wil complain.

This NOT the complete facebook timeline guide

If you want the rest of the article you must go to the original source here:

And you may also find these articles intresting if you liked the one above:
-Happy Passive Income Blogging.

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